Apple Seeds - Sargent's Crabapple
(Malus sargentii) Perennial. Zone 4 - 8. Rosaceae (Rose) Family. Native to Japan. One of the smallest ornamental crabapple trees, can grow 8-10 feet tall in 15 years. Trees are...
Boxwood Seeds - Japanese Littleleaf Boxwood
(Buxus microphylla) Perennial. Zones 6 - 9.Native range—Japan. A lovely evergreen shrub, can grow 4 feet tall and wide. Tolerates shearing well. Slow growth rate. Prefers moist, well-draining soil. Smallest...
Cedar Tree Seeds - Pyramidal American Cedar
(Thuja occidentalis Pyramidalis) Perennial. Zones 3 - 7. Cupressaceae (Cypress) Family. Native range—Manitoba to NB. Can grow 15-20 feet tall, 10-15 feet wide. Tall pyramid shaped conifer, minimal pruning needed...
Cypress Seeds - Lawson's Cypress
(Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) Perennial. Zones 5 - 7. Native range—Oregon to California, USA. These evergreen conifers typically grow 40-60 feet tall, but up to 200 feet in the wild. Beautiful dense...
Dogwood Seeds - Grey Swamp
(Cornus racemosa) Perennial. Zones 4 - 8. Native range—Central to eastern N. America. Shrubs can grow 10-15 feet tall. White flowers bloom in early Summer, becoming white berries on bright...
Dogwood Seeds - Pagoda (Alternate-Leaved)
(Cornus alternifolia) Perennial. Zones 3 - 7. Cornaceae (Dogwood) Family. Native range—Manitoba to NFLD. Can grow 10-25 feet tall and 20-25 feet wide. Tolerates shade well. Interesting horizontal branch pattern....
Dogwood Seeds - Silky
(Cornus amomum) Perennial. Zones 4 - 8. Cornaceae (Dogwood) Family. Native range—ON to QC. Good as a windbreak, can help stabilize slopes, tolerates wet soil well. White flowers in Spring....
Hackberry Seeds - Northern Hackberry
(Celtis occidentalis) Perennial. Hardy to zone 3. Elm Family. Native range—Manitoba to southern Quebec. Trees most often reach 30-60 feet, but can grow up to 150 feet tall. Beautiful light-colored...
Hornbeam Tree Seeds - American Hornbeam
(Carpinus caroliniana) Perennial. Zones 3-9. Betulaceae (Birch) family. Native range—Eastern N. America. Also known as Blue Beech, a fantastic understory tree, thriving in partial to full shade! Can grow 20-35...
Magnolia Seeds - Anise
(Magnolia salicifolia) Perennial. Zone 4 - 8. Native to Japan. A beautiful white magnolia, one of the first to bloom in Spring. Flowers can grow 3-6 inches wide, with 6...
Maple Tree Seeds - Green Cascade
(Acer japonicum) Perennial. Zones 5 - 7. Native to E. Asia. This beautiful Japanese weeping maple can grow 10-20 feet tall and up to 25 feet wide. Its leaves are...
Maple Tree Seeds - Japanese Red
(Acer palmatum atropurpureum) Perennial. Zones 5 - 8. Small in stature, trees can reach up to 25 feet at maturity. Dynamic and striking foliage from Spring to Fall. Good in...
Maple Tree Seeds - Trident
(Acer buergerianum) Perennial. Zones 6-9. Native to E. China, Taiwan and Japan. A beautiful deciduous tree, with green leaves that turn yellow, orange and red in the Fall. Can grow...
Pride of India Tree Seeds
(Koelreuteria paniculata) Perennial. Zones 5—8. Sapindaceae (Soapberry) Family. Native range—East Asia. Golden Rain Tree, also known as Pride of India, is a beautiful Spring flowering tree filled with yellow blooms....
Raisin Tree Seeds - Japanese Raisin Tree
(Hovenia dulcis) Perennial. Zones 5 - 7.Rhamnaceae (Buckthorn) Family. Native range—Japan and Eastern China. Can grow 10-30 feet tall. Their ’fruit’ resembles raisins when dried, both visually and sweet...
Redbud Seeds - Chinese
(Cercis chinensis) Perennial. Zones 4 - 9. Fabaceae (Pea) Family. Native range—China. An excellent variety, like Eastern Redbud, for growing on the East coast, as it prefers moister conditions. Flowers...
Redbud Seeds - Mediterranean
(Cercis siliquastrum) Perennial. Zones 6—9. Fabaceae (Pea) Family. Native range—Eastern Mediterranean. Also know as Judas Tree, boasts the largest blooms among redbud varieties. Most often used variety for growing rootstock....
Redbud Seeds - Mexican
(Cercis canadensis var. Mexicana) Perennial. Zones 6 - 9. Fabaceae (Pea) Family. Native range—SW Texas to N. Mexico. Prefers drier conditions, more drought tolerant than Eastern redbud. Grows well in...
Redbud Seeds - Western
(Cercis occidentalis) Perennial. Zones 6 - 9. Fabaceae (Pea) Family. Native range—California to Arizona. Western Redbud is best suited for drier conditions, especially on the West coast. Flowers are larger...
Sapphire Dragon Tree Seeds
(Paulownia fortunei) Perennial. Zones 7 - 10. (Can be grown as an annual outside this range) Native range—China. Sapphire Dragon Tree is valued for both its ornamental beauty and useful timber....
Sumac Tree Seeds - Flameleaf
(Rhus copallinum) Perennial. Zones 4 - 9. Native range—Eastern N. America. Also known as Winged Sumac, this native variety is a great food source for birds in the Winter months....
Sumac Tree Seeds - Fragrant
(Rhus aromatica) Perennial. Zones 3 - 8. Native range—North America. Fragrant Sumac has a lovely lemon scent when its leaves are bruised. Can grow 2 - 6 feet tall, with...
Sumac Tree Seeds - Smooth
(Rhus Glabra) Perennial. Zones 3—8. Native range—North America. Smooth Sumac can grow 10 - 20 feet tall, with large compound leaves that turn beautiful shades of orange and red in...
Tea Plant Seeds
(Camellia sinensis) Evergreen. Zones 6 - 9 Tea Camellia is an evergreen shrub grown traditionally for caffeinated tea. One tea plant will yield enough delicious tea for a lifetime, as...
White Fringe Tree Seeds
(Chionanthus virginicus) Perennial. Zones 4 - 9. Oleaceae (Olive) Family. Native range—Southeastern USA. Beautiful flowering deciduous tree can reach 12-20 feet tall. Burst of fragrant white flowers late Spring. Requires...
Buffaloberry Seeds - Russet
(Shepherdia canadensis) Zones 2 - 7. Small deciduous shrub. One reason WE are excited about growing Soap Berry / Buffaloberry is because of this plant's high saponin content, ie its soap-sudsy...
Magnolia Seeds - Saucer
(Magnolia x soulangeana) Perennial. Zones 4 - 9. Origin in France, 1826. One of the earliest flowering Spring trees, sensitive to late Spring frosts. Prolific flowers, absolutely dreamy and fragrant!...
Witch Hazel Seeds - Ozark
(Hamamelis vernalis) Perennial. Zones 5 - 8. Native range—Ozark Plateau in N. America. Ozark’s orangey blooms have a lovely spicy fragrance, they emerge before leaves in early Spring. Often found...