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Mizuna Seeds - Kyona
 21 days (baby leaves), 40 days (mature leaves). Kyona Mizuna is a Japanese mustard green, producing many finely cut, fringed leaves. It has a mild  to spicy flavour and unique look. It...
Mizuna Seeds - Red Streaked
(Brassica rapa (Japonica)) 25 days (baby leaves), 45 days (fully mature)Red Streaked Mizuna is a Japanese Heirloom that is prized for its peppery gourmet qualities. It is slow to bolt...
Mustard Seeds - Golden Frills
(Brassica juncea) 20 days baby leaves, 45 days mature. This fantastically frilly mustard is so pretty & adds a sweet/spicy kick to green medleys.   
Mustard Seeds - Ho Mi Z (Dragon Tongue)
(Brassica juncea) Baby leaf 21 days. Mature 45 days. Dragon Tongue mustard has a wonderful spicy mustard taste & beautiful, veined leaves that are bright green and purple. A fantastic addition for...
Mustard Seeds - Hon Tsai Tai
(Brassica rapa) 40 days to maturity. This Chinese specialty vegetable is well-known as purple-flowered Choy Sum, meaning ‘vegetable heart’ in Cantonese. The flower stalks, leaf stalks and buds are deep...
Mustard Seeds - Komatsuna / Tendergreen
30 days. HEIRLOOM SEEDS -Tendergreen Mustard produces excellent dark, nutrient dense and mineral rich leaves. The leaves have a mild flavour and you can use them like spinach. Great for...
Mustard Seeds - Osaka Purple
21 days baby leaves, 40 days mature. Osaka Purple is a mild mustard green to add to your salads and cooking. A fast growing plant with very good looking purple-green...
Mustard Seeds - Red Giant
21 days baby leave, 45 days mature. Red Giant Mustard greens have dark red leaves with a green underside. It has a nice spicy flavour that is not overbearing. A...
Mustard Seeds - Southern Giant Curled
45 days. 1700's. Southern Giant Curled mustard is a wonderful, full flavour, spicy mustard green. The plants have beautiful frilled leaves and an upright growth habit. These are very easy to grow...
Mustard Seeds - Wasabina
(Brassica juncea) 21 days baby, 45 mature.  One of the most beautiful mustards we've come upon, Wasabina is a bright green, mildly spicy mustard that really adds to a greens...