Cranberry Seeds - American High Bush
(Viburnum trilobum) Perennial. Zones 2 - 7. High bush cranberry is a plant I remember from childhood. We had a big bush growing next to my mother's little cedar shingled...
Cranberry Seeds - Wentworth High Bush
(Viburnum triloba var. Wentworth) Perennial. Hardy to zone 3. Ericaceae (Heather) Family. Native range—NL to BC. Prefers consistently moist, well-draining soil. Plants can grow 8-10 feet tall, spreading 4-6 feet....
Cranberry Seeds - American Low Bush
(Vaccinium macrocarpon) Perennial. Zones 2-6. Cranberry, or American Cranberry, is a low-growing, creeping shrub with small glossy leaves, fuchsia-pink flowers and cheerful, bright red cranberries in Fall. The leaves stay green...