Blue Sausage Fruit Seeds
(Decaisnea fargesii) Perennial. Zone 6 - 10. Lardizabalaceae Family. Native range - Eastern Asia to Western China. Blue Sausage Fruit is a very unique flowering shrub, growing 13-15 feet tall....
Coffee Seeds - Arabica
(Coffea arabica) Zones 9 - 11. Rubiaceae (Madder) Family. Native range—Ethiopia. Have fun growing your own coffee plant! Plants thrive in hot and humid environments. If growing as a house...
Mimosa Seeds - Sensitive Plant
(Mimosa pubica) Zones 10 -12. Fabaceae (Pea) Family. Native to Brazil. Grown as an annual in northern climates, plants can reach 2 feet tall. Its leaves will droop when touched,...
Raisin Tree Seeds - Japanese Raisin Tree
(Hovenia dulcis) Perennial. Zones 5 - 7.Rhamnaceae (Buckthorn) Family. Native range—Japan and Eastern China. Can grow 10-30 feet tall. Their ’fruit’ resembles raisins when dried, both visually and sweet...
Tea Plant Seeds
(Camellia sinensis) Evergreen. Zones 6 - 9 Tea Camellia is an evergreen shrub grown traditionally for caffeinated tea. One tea plant will yield enough delicious tea for a lifetime, as...
Macadamia Nut Tree Seeds
**This item does not qualify for 'Free Lettermail Shipping'.Due to the large size of seeds, they must be sent EXPEDITED. Only orders over $150.00 qualify for 'Free Expedited Shipping'** Thank...
Pistachio Nut Tree Seeds
(Pistacia vera) Zone 10. Anacardiaceae (Cashew) Family. Native range—Syria, Iran, Turkey, Greece. Did you ever think you could grow pistachios?! A fun greenhouse or indoor project! Requires long hot summers...
Pomegranate Seeds - Dwarf 'Nana'
(Punica granatum var. ‘nana’) Zone 7-11. Lythraceae (Loosestrife) Family. Native range—Asia. Did you ever think you could grow a pomegranate?! These plants are self-pollinating and can bear fruit their second...