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Endive Seeds - Belgian Witloof
(Cichorium intybus) 115 days to harvest roots. Additional 35 days for greens. *See description*Belgian Endive (Witloof Chicory) is the classic variety used for growing tangy, slightly bitter endive buds or chicons....
Endive Seeds - Red Treviso
(Cichorium endivia) 70-100 days to maturityRed Treviso Endive is a beautiful, cool loving bitter green. Its leaves start out green in the Summer, changing to a deep red once temperatures...
Endive Seeds - Très Fine Maraichère
(Cichorium envdivia var. crispum) 65 days. Très Fine, or Frisée Endive is a classic French green. It is slightly bitter, but absolutely delicious with a lemon vinaigrette.  This very decorative...
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Endive Seeds - Broadleaf Batavian, Escarole
(Cichorium endiva) 80 days to maturity. Heirloom Endive Seeds - 1860s. Broadleaf Batavian Endive grows as a large leafed, head forming leafy green, with a mild yet slightly bitter flavour....