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Sunflower Seeds - Mexican Sunflower
(Tithonia rotundifolia) Annual. 85 days to maturity. Not a true sunflower but just as nice! Native to Central America, Mexican Sunflower is a vigorous plant, bearing 3 inch deep orange...
Sunflower Seeds - Teddy Bear
(Helianthus annuus) Annual. 65-75 days to maturity. Teddy Bear Sunflowers are a family favourite! These cute and fuzzy sunflowers reach only 2 feet in height and are a great interactive...
Sweet Pea Seeds - Royalty Blend
(Lathyrus odoratus) Annual. 90 days to maturity.  This regal Sweet Pea mix will certainly indulge your senses with countless colours and the most intoxicating fragrance. It’s a must have for...
Sweet William Seeds
(Dianthus barbatus) Biennial. Sweet William flowers make for a showy addition to the flower garden. The clusters of red pink and white flowers will delight you. The plants readily self seed...
Tarragon Seeds - Russian
(Artemisia dracunculoides Pursch) Perennial. Zones 2 - 9.More mild than French Tarragon in flavour but much tougher when it comes to resilience in colder climates & poor soil conditions! Tarragons...
Tea Plant Seeds
(Camellia sinensis) Evergreen. Zones 6 - 9 Tea Camellia is an evergreen shrub grown traditionally for caffeinated tea. One tea plant will yield enough delicious tea for a lifetime, as...
Tulip Poplar Seeds
(Liriodendron tulipifera) Deciduous. Zones 4  - 9. This stately tree is reaches 90-150 in height with large leaves and 2 inch, yellow, tulip-like flowers. This rare North American tree once...
Valerian Seeds - Lubelski
 Perennial. Zones 4-9. (Valeriana officinalis 'Lubelski') Perennial. Zones 4-9. Attention herbal medicine crafters, tea brewers, and magical sleep folks!'Lubelski' Valerian seeds are the best choice if you've ever wanted to grow larger and/or more potent...
Valerian Seeds - Common
(Valeriana officinalis) Perennial. Zones 4 - 9.Common Valerian Root is one of the most well known herbal sedatives. It is commonly found in calming and sleepy time teas. This is an easy...
Weigela Seeds
(Weigela florida) Perennial. Zones 5 - 8. Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle) Family. Native range—Eastern Asia. A beautiful flowering shrub, blooming in late-Spring. Full sun, tolerates partial shade. Flowers bloom on year old...
White Fringe Tree Seeds
(Chionanthus virginicus) Perennial. Zones 4 - 9. Oleaceae (Olive) Family. Native range—Southeastern USA. Beautiful flowering deciduous tree can reach 12-20 feet tall. Burst of fragrant white flowers late Spring. Requires...
Wisteria Seeds - Chinese Blue
(Wisteria sinensis 'Blue') Perennial. Zones 5 - 9. Flowering, deciduous vine. A healthy, well established Wisteria vine is a coveted feature of many gardeners. Mature Chinese Blue wisteria vines positively drip with long bunches of fragrant,...
Wisteria Seeds - American
(Wisteria frutescens) Perennial. Zones 5 - 9. Fabaceae (Pea) Family. Native range—Eastern USA (L48). Spring flowers are lilac purple and bloom on new wood. Vines require sturdy support in full...
Witch Hazel Seeds - North American
(Hamamelis virginiana) Perennial. Zones 4 - 8. Witch Hazel is a lovely native tree, found mostly on the edges of forests, throughout Eastern North America. Witch Hazel has a long history...
Yarrow Seeds - Red
(Achillea millefolium 'Cerise Queen')  Perennial. Zones 5 - 10. Yarrow is a strong and powerful plant with many medicinal, spiritual and ornamental uses. This Red variety is said to be...
Zinnia Seeds - California Giant
(Zinnia elegans) Annual. 85 days to maturity These beauties really are giant! Plants can reach a height of 4 feet and flowers can get as big as 5” in diameter!...
Zinnia Seeds - Giant Dahlia Mix
(Zinnia elegans) Annual. 85 days to maturity. Giant Dahlia Zinnia has fabulous, huge flowers that are super showy in a bouquet! Colours range from yellows, oranges, reds, burgundy, purple and...
Zinnia Seeds - Oklahoma Pink
(Zinnia elegans) 75-90 days to maturityOklahoma Pink Zinnias will add a pop of vibrant bubblegum pink blooms to your garden. In classic zinnia nature, they stand strong and tall, with...
Zinnia Seeds - Queeny Lime with Blush
(Zinnia elegans) 75-85 days to maturityOnce you see Queeny Lime Blush Zinnias  in person, you’ll be as star-struck as we are! With blooms reaching 3 inches wide and a unique...
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Calendula Seeds - Common
(Calendula officinalis) Annual. 50-55 days to maturity. Calendula flowers are simple, cheerful and so versatile. Flowers are daisy-like in vibrant yellows and oranges! Calendula historically serves as a dye plant; pale...
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Dianthus Seeds - Chabaud Orange Sherbet
(Dianthus caryophyllus) Annual. 130-140 days to maturity. Chabaud Orange Sherbet is a classic French carnation with extraordinary coloration. Its blooms are a mix of peach, apricot and even deeper orange...
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Didiscus Seeds - Pink Lace Flower
(Trachymene coerulea) Annual. 100 days to maturity.  Didiscus boasts delicate, pale pink umbrels. Stems are rigid and great for arrangements. Blooms are refreshingly fragrant and last around two months in...
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Dogwood Seeds - Cornelian Cherry
(Cornus mas) Perennial. Zones 4 - 8.  Wow, wow, wow! What a gem. Cornelian Cherry, actually in the dogwood family, is one of the plants we are most excited about....
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Eastern Wild Lupin Flower Seeds Mix
Perennial. Lupins are a native Eastern North American wildflower. The tall spire shaped flowers are most commonly found in blue and bi-colour white. Lupins will readily self seed the area...
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Foxglove Seeds - Cafe Creme
(Digitalis lanata) Biennial.Café Crème Foxglove will typically put on foliage in its first year, and will bloom its second spring. From there on out, you'll be enjoying their beauty for...
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Hollyhock Seeds - Greek Yellow
(Alcea rugosa) Biennial.  You need this regal garden classic! This Greek variety features gorgeous spires of soft yellow flowers. Reaches 6 feet in height. 
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Kale Seeds - Sea
(Crambe maritima) Perennial, zones 5-9. This is truly an amazing plant! Sea Kale is native to the European seaside, from The Black Sea and Mediterranean, all the way up into the...
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Lobelia Seeds - Red Cardinal
(Lobelia cardinalis) Perennial. Zones 3 - 9. Red Cardinal Lobelia, also known as Cardinal Flower, is a vibrant plant with long lasting blooms. Its bright red flowers are a true...
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Magnolia Seeds - Cucumber Tree
(Magnolia acuminata) Perennial.  Zones 4 - 8. Rare & Endangered. The Cucumber Magnolia is native to Ontario's Niagara Region and is unfortunately on the cusp of extinction. Because of habitat loss (logging,...
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Magnolia Seeds - Liliiflora
(Magnolia liliiflora) Perennial. Zones 5-8. Lily Magnolia is a magnificent focal point for any garden or backyard! It features majestic, pink perfumed flowers, each with six or seven four inch...
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Magnolia Seeds - Oyama
(Magnolia sieboldii) Perennial. Zones 6 - 8. Oyama Magnolia  is a beautiful specimen bearing flowers with crisp white petals and magenta centres. Grows 15-20 feet and blooms in Spring. Native to...
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Magnolia Seeds - Saucer
(Magnolia x soulangeana) Perennial. Zones 4 - 9. Origin in France, 1826. One of the earliest flowering Spring trees, sensitive to late Spring frosts. Prolific flowers, absolutely dreamy and fragrant!...
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Magnolia Seeds - Yulan Lilytree
(Magnolia denudata) Perennial. Zones 5 - 8. Native range—Central to Eastern China. Preferred habitat: Full sun, can tolerate partial shade. Important to shelter Magnolias from cold, strong winds. Beautifully fragrant...
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Pearl Bush Seeds
(Exochorda racemosa) Zones 4 - 8. Deciduous, flowering shrub. Pearl Bush is a wonderful, non-traditional flowering shrub will wow you year, after year with its delicate white flowers. As you can...
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Quince Seeds - Kusa-Boke (Japanese Flowering)
(Chaenomeles japonica) Deciduous. Zones 5-8. This species is an old one - it has been cultivated in Asia for thousands of years! It arrived in North America in the 1800’s,...
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Schisandra Seeds - Wu-wei-zi
(Schisandra chinensis) Deciduous, woody vine. Zones 5-9.  Schisandra, Wu-wei is native to Northern China and has a long time history in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Schisandra berries are adaptogenic, increase apatite...
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Silverbell Seeds - Carolina Silverbell
(Halesia Carolina) Perennial. Zones 5 - 9.Styracaceae (Storax) Family. Native range—South Eastern North America. A beautiful flowering tree, with showy bell shaped white blooms in early Spring. Dangling like raindrop...
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Smoke Bush Seeds
(Cotinus coggygria) Perennial. Zones 4-9. Deciduous Shrub. Ornamental. Here in Nova Scotia, Smoke Bush is a much loved feature in many, many gardens. This versatile beauty does great in both acid...
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Statice Seeds - Garden
(Limonium sinuatum) Annual. 110-120 days. Statice is by far one of the best flowers for both fresh and dried arrangements. This Statice Garden Mix is no exception, boasting colours ranging from white,...
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Strawflower Seeds - Sultane Mix
(Helichrysum bracteatum) Annual. 85 days to maturity. The Sultane strawflower mix boasts a stunning blend of the long lasting, papery flowers. You’ll be delighted by coral, white, silvery rose, yellow,...
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Wisteria Seeds - Chinese White
 (Wisteria sinensis 'Alba') Perennial. Zones 5 - 9.  A healthy, well established Wisteria vine is a coveted feature of many a garden. Mature Chinese Wisteria vines positively drip with long bunches of fragrant, white, sweetpea-like flowers....
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Wisteria Seeds - Japanese Pink
(Wisteria floribunda) Perennial. Zones 4 - 9. Flowering, deciduous vine. A healthy & well established Wisteria vine is a coveted feature of many a garden. Mature Japanese wisteria vines positively drip with long bunches...
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Witch Hazel Seeds - Ozark
(Hamamelis vernalis) Perennial. Zones 5 - 8. Native range—Ozark Plateau in N. America. Ozark’s orangey blooms have a lovely spicy fragrance, they emerge before leaves in early Spring. Often found...
283 results