Boxwood Seeds - Japanese Littleleaf Boxwood
(Buxus microphylla) Perennial. Zones 6 - 9.Native range—Japan. A lovely evergreen shrub, can grow 4 feet tall and wide. Tolerates shearing well. Slow growth rate. Prefers moist, well-draining soil. Smallest...
Broccoli Seeds - De Cicco
(Brassica oleracea var. italica). 48 days to matuity. Heirloom Broccoli Seeds - Italy.A wonderful old Italian variety, De Cicco Heirloom Broccoli produces multiple harvests. First, with one main broccoli head in the center...
Broccoli Seeds - Green Sprouting Calabrese
70 days. Heirloom Broccoli Seeds. Green Sprouting Calabrese Heirloom Broccoli is the original type of broccoli developed in Italy, centuries ago. It has dark green, four inch heads with great...
Broccoli Seeds - Kailaan Chinese
(Brassica oleracea var alboglabra) 60-70 days to maturity.Kailaan Chinese Broccoli tolerates heat much better than other broccoli and kale varieties, expanding its harvest window. It can be planted from early...
Broccoli Seeds - Purple Peacock
(Brassica oleracea) 70 days to maturity. "Oh my goodness, that is beautiful!" is perhaps not something that you hear all that often when it comes to broccoli. Well, even outside the vegetable...
Broccoli Seeds - Raab / Rapini
(Brassica rapa) 42 days to maturity. Heirloom Rapini Seeds.Heirloom Spring Rapini Seeds are actually from the turnip family. They are a mix between broccoli and spinach, boasting a sweet nutty flavour. They are a traditional...
Broccoli Seeds - Romanesco
(Brassica oleracea) 75 days to maturity. ItalyRomanesco Broccoli, also called Romanesco Cauliflower is an absolute stunner, both in the garden and in the kitchen. Their spiraling florets are a mesmerizing soft...
Broccoli Seeds - Waltham 29
(Brassica oleraceae var. italica) 85 days to maturity. Waltham 29 Broccoli produces a lovely green-blue main broccoli stock on a fairly compact plant. The main head can be harvested to promote...
Brussels Sprouts Seeds - Long Island
100 days to maturity. Heirloom Brussels Sprout Seeds – 1880s.Long Island Improved Brussels Sprouts are semi dwarf plants reaching two feet tall. Provides excellent crops of flavourful sprouts. An excellent variety...
Butterfly Bush Seeds
(Buddleja davidii) Perennial. Zones 5-10Butterfly Bush lives up to its name, growing into a large shrub that attracts Swallowtails, Monarchs and a variety of other butterflies and hummingbirds too! Their...
Buttonbush Seeds - Eastern
(Cephalanthus occidentalis) Deciduous. Zones 5-10. Eastern Buttonbush, also known as Common Buttonbush or Honeyballs, is an unusual ornamental shrub native to wetlands and marsh conditions. It thrives in swamps and...
Cabbage Seeds - Aichi Chinese
(Brassica rapa var Pekinensis ‘Aichi’) 70 days to maturity.Aichi Chinese Cabbage is a heirloom variety from Japan. It produces a large ‘barrel-shape head’ that is compact and prefers growing in...
Cabbage Seeds - Copenhagen Market
70-100 days - Heirloom Cabbage Seeds - 1909. Copenhagen Market heirloom cabbage sports solid round heads and are one of the largest round headed varieties. These heirloom cabbages weigh three to four...
Cabbage Seeds - Des Vertus Savoy
95 days. Des Vertus Savoy is a favourite among Savoy-connoisseurs. Large, crinkly beautiful 5lbs heads are juicy, semi-sweet and have a mild cabbage flavour. A French variety from the early...
Cabbage Seeds - Early Jersey Wakefield
50 days to maturity. Heirloom Cabbage Seeds - 1840. This unique variety of heirloom cabbage has tall, pointed heads with excellent flavour. Early Jersey Wakefield Heirloom Cabbage is a very early maturing...
Cabbage Seeds - Glory of Enkhulzen
(Brassica oleracea var. capitata) 95 days to maturity. This traditional Fall cabbage from the Netherlands is the ‘ Glory of Enkhulzen ‘. Originally bred in 1899, this heirloom cabbage is an...
Cabbage Seeds - Golden Acre
65 days - Heirloom Cabbage Seeds – 1928. Golden Acre Heirloom Cabbages are early, disease resistant and perfect for small organic gardens. The green leaves are sweet and refreshing. These heirloom cabbages have...
Cabbage Seeds - Kogane Japanese
(Brassica rapa var pekinensis) 70-80 days to maturity.Kogane Cabbage is a heirloom variety from Japan. With a distinct yellow core, this cabbage is rightfully named Kogane - the Japanese word...
Cabbage Seeds - Late Flat Dutch
(Brassica oleracea) 100 days to maturity. Late Flat Dutch Cabbage is an all-around classic, firm, good tasting cabbage. This variety was brought to the United States from Germany in the...
Cabbage Seeds - Mammoth Red Rock
100 days to maturity. 1800s.Mammoth Red Rock cabbage has big, colourful, round heads that average 6lbs each. They are very sweet and store extremely well. We love red sauerkraut, especially with a handful...
Cabbage Seeds - Maruba Santoh Chinese
55 days to maturity. Maruba Santoh is a wonderful, "loose leaf" type of nappa cabbage. Very reliable, mild and easy to grow. Nice in salads, stir-fried, pickled or in soups. Available...
Cabbage Seeds - Purple Savoy
(Brassica oleracea var. capitata) 65 days to maturity. Purple Savoy Cabbage is sweet and oh so frilly! We love this tight, head forming cabbage for its beauty and mild flavour....
Cabbage Seeds - Tokyo Bekana Japanese
(Brassica rapa var. chinensis) 21 days, baby. 45 days to maturity. Tokyo Bekana is a lovely Japanese cabbage, much smaller and more tender than your standard supermarket Napa. Light green, wavy...
Calendula Seeds - Radio
(Calendula officinalis) Annual. 60 days to maturity. Radio Calendula is a heirloom variety first introduced in the 1930’s, aptly a time when radios were an exciting and humble source of...
Calendula Seeds - Resina
(Calendula officinalis) Annual. 50-55 days to maturity. Calendula Resina flowers are simple, cheerful and so versatile like its companion Common Calendula. Flowers are similarly daisy-like in vibrant yellows and oranges. Calendula historically...
Calendula Seeds - Triangle Flashback
(Calendula officinalis) Annual. 50-55 days to maturity. Triangle Flashback is an unusual Calendula that, in many ways, resembles a strawflower. Peachy petals are still soft though and attract plenty of...
Cape Jasmine Gardenia Seeds
(Gardenia jasminoides) Zones 7 - 10. Rubiaceae (Madder) Family. Native range—China, Taiwan and Japan. A flowering shrub with glossy dark green leaves and very fragrant white blooms. Its fruit can...
Caraway Seeds - Arterner
(Carum carvi) 70 days. Biennial. Caraway is one of those unforgettable flavours and it becomes even more special when you grow it yourself! Arterner Caraway comes from central Germany, where it...
Carolina Allspice Seeds
(Calycanthus floridus) Perennial. Zones 4-9. Also known as Strawberry Shrub, Sweet Betsy, Sweet Shrub, and Pineapple Shrub, Carolina Allspice is a deliciously fragrant plant from its spicy bark to its...
Carrot Seeds - Amarillo
70 days to maturity. Amarillo is a stunning BRIGHT YELLOW carrot. This is the perfect carrot for you urban gardeners out there. These carrots work really well in raised beds...
Carrot Seeds - Chantenay Red Core
(Daucus carota) 70 days to maturity. Heirloom Carrot Seeds.This old time heirloom carrot grows signature wide, tapered roots that are six to eight inches long. Chantenay Red Core heirloom carrots have...
Carrot Seeds - Danvers Half Long
75 days - Heirloom Carrot Seeds – 1871.This fine, bright orange heirloom carrot is one of the few heirloom carrots that grows well in shallow, clay or rocky soils. Danvers...
Carrot Seeds - Dragon
90 days. Dragon Carrots are sweet and full of colour. The nine inch roots have a bright orange interior with an amazing reddish purple skin. Full of nutrients including lycopene, Dragon Carrots...
Carrot Seeds - Kuroda
70 to 100 days to maturity. A great juicing carrot! Kuroda comes from Asia and has roots that are tender, juicy and sweet. Each carrot is seven inches long with...
Carrot Seeds - Little Finger
60 days. Heirloom Carrot Seeds. Little Finger Heirloom Carrots are some of the premier baby carrots available. Bright orange, these heirloom carrots grow 3-4 inches long. Each sweet carrot is crisp with a...
Carrot Seeds - Lunar White
(Daucus carota sativa) 75 days to maturity. Lunar White Carrot is a beautiful moon-white colour that practically glows, a real stand-out variety in a salad or on the market stand. It...
Carrot Seeds - Parisian
65 to 70 days to maturity. Heirloom Carrot Seeds.Parisian or Paris Market Carrots are easy to grow in all soils. These heirloom carrots are small and round, about an inch...
Carrot Seeds - Scarlet Nantes
(Daucus carota) 68 days to maturity. Heirloom Carrots Seeds - 1855, France.Scarlet Nantes heirloom carrots are a nearly core-less carrots and a market favourite. They have a rich, sweet flavour and are...
Carrot Seeds - Tendersweet
(Daucus carota sativa) Heirloom carrot. 63 days to maturity. Tendersweet carrot is popular with market growers because these carrots look so perfect in a bunch! Not to mention they are...
Catalpa Tree Seeds
(Catalpa speciosa) Deciduous. Zones 4-8. Also known as Indian Bean Tree or Cigar tree for its long, thin seed pods, Northern Catalpa is a fabulous focal point in any landscape! ...
Catnip Seeds
(Nepeta cataria) Perennial. Zones 3 - 9. 85 days to maturity. This staple is a voracious ground cover, growing up to 2 feet in height. Yes, cats LOVE it, but...
Cauliflower Seeds - Di Sicilia Violetta
(Brassica oleracea) 80 days to maturity. Feast your eyes on this Sicilian beauty! Delicious fresh or cooked, this deep purple heritage Sicilian cauliflower turns green when cooked. This large variety will make offshoots...
Cauliflower Seeds - Snowball Y
75 days to maturity. 1947.Snowball Y Cauliflower is widely adapted and reliable with a six inch head. These are ideal for fresh use and freezing. It is mid to late...
Cedar Tree Seeds - Eastern Red
(Juniperus virginiana) Perennial. Zones 3-9. Eastern Red Cedar is a hardy evergreen conifer that loves open, sunny habitats. Native to North America, East of the Rockies, this strong tree tolerates...
Cedar Tree Seeds - Eastern White
(Thuja occidentalis) Evergreen. Zones 3-7. Arborvitae is majestic in size and full of wonderful health benefits. Latin for Tree of Life, its potent resin and vitamin rich foliage were used...
Cedar Tree Seeds - Pyramidal American Cedar
(Thuja occidentalis Pyramidalis) Perennial. Zones 3 - 7. Cupressaceae (Cypress) Family. Native range—Manitoba to NB. Can grow 15-20 feet tall, 10-15 feet wide. Tall pyramid shaped conifer, minimal pruning needed...
Celeriac Seeds - Brilliant
110 days to maturity. Celeriac is a wonderful plant! If you are someone who loves celery in your cooking, but also wants to eat more seasonally, celeriac is your answer....
Celeriac Seeds - Giant Prague
(Apium graveolens) 110 days to maturity. 1871Giant Prague Celeriac is a great winter storage crop. This root vegetable can be used in soups and stews and brings a fresh celery flavor...