Maple Tree Seeds - Red Maple
(Acer rubrum) Deciduous. Zones 3-8. Red Maple is an iconic shade tree, native to the Eastern half of North America. It is extremely adaptable, and grows well in a wide...
Maple Tree Seeds - Sugar Maple
(Acer saccharum) Deciduous. Zones 3 - 8. Everything we do now has an effect on generations to come. Why not make your legacy a delicious one! Plant a Sugar Maple...
Medlar Seeds
(Mespilus germanica) Zones 5 - 8. Deciduous fruit tree. This age-old, forgotten fruit is making a big comeback in the permaculture world! Medlar saw its heyday back in Medieval time through The...
Melon Seeds - Cream of Saskatchewan Watermelon
80 days. Cream of Saskatchewan is actually an old European variety, brought to Saskatchewan many Moons ago. Stripy green rind guards a delicious and juicy cream-coloured heart. It’s fabulous for...
Melon Seeds - Petite Yellow Watermelon
75 days. (Citrullus lanatus) Petite Yellow is a small yellow icebox type watermelon for northern climates. Sweet and refreshing. Fruit reach 5-6 pounds.
Melon Seeds - Sweet Granite
70 days. Sweet Granite Cantaloupes were specially developed for northern climates and it is one of the earliest maturing eastern type melons. The melons are sweet with orange flesh and each oblong...
Microgreen Seeds - Alfalfa
5-10 days - 50g or 125g packets. Alfalfa is the easy to grow classic microgreen! The greens are nutty, mild and fresh. This seed contains a small amount of red...
Microgreen Seeds - Colourful blend
8 to 10 days to harvest - 125g packet (1/2 cup = approx 5 cups of micro!). Enjoy this delicious blend of lentils, radish and peas. Colourful, fun, and tasty...
Microgreen Seeds - Red Cabbage
14 days to harvest - 50g or 125g packets. Red Cabbage Microgreens have dark green leaves with reddish purple veins and margins. Mild & delicious. 50 gram packet contains approximately...
Microgreen Seeds - Spicy Mix
10 days to microgreens - 50g or 125g packets. A fast and easy to grow mix of colourful spicy Microgreens. Includes Red mustard, Cress and Arugula Learn more in our...
Mulberry Seeds - Red
(Morus rubra) Perennial. Zones 4 - 8. A small native tree, with large heart shaped leaves & delicious berries. This tree is considered endangered in Ontario and is only naturally...
Nannyberry Seeds
(Viburnum lentago) Deciduous. Zones 3 - 7. Nannyberry Tree, also known as Sweet Viburnum or Sheepberry, is in the Honeysuckle family. Nannyberry is an upright spreading, suckering shrub that thrives...
Onion Seeds - New York Early
98 days. The New York Early Onion is early maturing and long lasting white bulbs, from fall into spring. The perfect choice for a Canadian winter storage onion. Each seed...
Orach Seeds - Triple Purple
(Atriplex hortensis) 40 days (tender leaves), 75 days (mature plant)Triple Purple Orach loves the heat! Its shimmering purple leaves stay vibrant the whole summer through. Growing up to 6 feet...
Pea Seeds - Early Alaska Shelling
56 days. Heirloom Pea Seeds. The Early Alaska Heirloom Pea is an excellent variety for early in the season. It is early maturing and designed to withstand the cold temperatures...
Pear Seeds - Asian Pear
(Pyrus pyrifolia) Perenial. Zones 6 - 8. Three words: Home. Grown. Candy. Asian Pears are DELICIOUS, but you know, I didn't really care for them until our trees (reluctantly planted) started...
Pear Seeds - Bartlett
(Pyrus communis Bartlett) Zones 5 - 7. Heirloom Pear variety, 1700s. The Bartlett Pear, sometimes known as the William's Pear, is probably the most popular pear here in North America,...
Pearl Bush Seeds
(Exochorda racemosa) Zones 4 - 8. Deciduous, flowering shrub. Pearl Bush is a wonderful, non-traditional flowering shrub will wow you year, after year with its delicate white flowers. As you can...
Pecan Seeds - Northern Pecan
**This item does not qualify for 'Free Lettermail Shipping'.Due to the large size of seeds, they must be sent EXPEDITED. Only orders over $150.00 qualify for 'Free Expedited Shipping'** Thank...
Pepper Seeds, Hot - Ancho Gigantea
90 days. These large, 4 inch chilis are a staple in Mexican cooking! When fresh & green these chilis are called poblanos & when fully ripened & then dried then...
Pepper Seeds, Hot - Fireworks
(Capsicum annuum) 80 - 90 days to maturity. Heirloom. Fireworks Ornamental Peppers create a burst of cute yellow, orange, red, and purple peppers. Bred for their show stopping appearance and not...
Pepper Seeds, Hot - Hungarian Hot Wax
60 (yellow) to 80 days (red). Heirloom Hot Pepper Seeds. Hungarian Wax Heirloom Hot Peppers are dependable, productive and one of the best for our shorter Canadian growing season! The...
Pepper Seeds, Hot - Ring of Fire, Cayenne
65 days. This early cayenne packs a punch! These 4 inch, red peppers come in around 80,000 Scovilles. Plants produce abundantly and quickly. A great choice for shorter seasons.
Pistachio Nut Tree Seeds
(Pistacia vera) Zone 10. Anacardiaceae (Cashew) Family. Native range—Syria, Iran, Turkey, Greece. Did you ever think you could grow pistachios?! A fun greenhouse or indoor project! Requires long hot summers...
Pomegranate Seeds - Dwarf 'Nana'
(Punica granatum var. ‘nana’) Zone 7-11. Lythraceae (Loosestrife) Family. Native range—Asia. Did you ever think you could grow a pomegranate?! These plants are self-pollinating and can bear fruit their second...
Pumpkin Seeds - Valenciano
110 days. The beautiful Valenciano Pumpkin is round and flattened with a creamy white colour. These specialty pumpkins are used ornamentally as well as used for cooking. The flesh is dense and...
Quince Seeds - Kusa-Boke (Japanese Flowering)
(Chaenomeles japonica) Deciduous. Zones 5-8. This species is an old one - it has been cultivated in Asia for thousands of years! It arrived in North America in the 1800’s,...
Schisandra Seeds - Wu-wei-zi
(Schisandra chinensis) Deciduous, woody vine. Zones 5-9. Schisandra, Wu-wei is native to Northern China and has a long time history in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Schisandra berries are adaptogenic, increase apatite...
Seabuckthorn Seeds
(Hippophae rhamnoides) Perennial. Zones 3 - 7. Seabuckthorn fruit is said to have 30 times more vitamin C than oranges! These plants are heavy producers to boot! Seabuckthorn is a...
Shiso Seeds - Britton
(Perilla frutescens) Annual. 80-85 days. Britton Shiso is a commonly grown Asian green. Flavour is comparable to a basil-mint mix. Leaves are green on top and red underneath! Each packet...
Shiso Seeds - Green
(Perilla frutescens) 80-85 days. Shiso's flavour is comparable to a basil-mint mix. Leaves are bright green. Commonly used in Asia. * Shiso requires a 3 week cold period* **Sow on soil surface. These...
Silverbell Seeds - Carolina Silverbell
(Halesia Carolina) Perennial. Zones 5 - 9.Styracaceae (Storax) Family. Native range—South Eastern North America. A beautiful flowering tree, with showy bell shaped white blooms in early Spring. Dangling like raindrop...
Smoke Bush Seeds
(Cotinus coggygria) Perennial. Zones 4-9. Deciduous Shrub. Ornamental. Here in Nova Scotia, Smoke Bush is a much loved feature in many, many gardens. This versatile beauty does great in both acid...
Spinach Seeds - Tree Spinach (Magenta Spreen)
(Chenopodium giganteum) 60 days. Annual. Tree Spinach is a mild flavoured green that grows to 9 feet! Not a true spinach, Tree Spinach is actually a cousin to Lambs Quarters...
Statice Seeds - Garden
(Limonium sinuatum) Annual. 110-120 days. Statice is by far one of the best flowers for both fresh and dried arrangements. This Statice Garden Mix is no exception, boasting colours ranging from white,...
Stevia Seeds
(Stevia rebaudiana) Stevia is basically a candy bush you can grow in your garden! So, honey is a whole food. Great! Maple syrup is mineral rich. Woohoo! Sugar, let's face...
Strawflower Seeds - Sultane Mix
(Helichrysum bracteatum) Annual. 85 days to maturity. The Sultane strawflower mix boasts a stunning blend of the long lasting, papery flowers. You’ll be delighted by coral, white, silvery rose, yellow,...
Tomato Seeds - Bloody Butcher
Indeterminate. 55 days. Heirloom Tomato Seeds. An excellent early variety Bloody Butcher Heirloom Tomatoes start early and produce consistently until frost. Tomatoes form in clusters of five to nine on vigorous vines. Medium...
Tomato Seeds - Chocolate Stripes
Indeterminate. 80 days. Heirloom Tomato Seeds. Chocolate Stripes is one of the best all around varieties we've tried. Incredible flavour for sandwiches, soups and sauces. The fruit are stunning with their deep...
Tomato Seeds, Cherry - Aosta Valley
Indeterminate. 65 days. Heirloom Tomato, Valle d'Aosta Italy. Okay Rocky Mountain gardeners; this ones for you! This awesome cherry tomato comes to you from the Italian Alps! This vigorous, short...
Walnut Seeds - Black Walnut
**This item does not qualify for 'Free Lettermail Shipping'. Due to the large size of seeds, they must be sent EXPEDITED. Only orders over $150.00 qualify for 'Free Expedited Shipping'**...
White Oak Tree Seeds
**Orders containing large seeds are only eligible for parcel shipping rates.** (Quercus alba) Deciduous Zones 3-9 ** sow seeds as soon as you receive them, I'm ready to sprout - no pre-treatment...
Wisteria Seeds - Chinese White
(Wisteria sinensis 'Alba') Perennial. Zones 5 - 9. A healthy, well established Wisteria vine is a coveted feature of many a garden. Mature Chinese Wisteria vines positively drip with long bunches of fragrant, white, sweetpea-like flowers....
Wisteria Seeds - Japanese Pink
(Wisteria floribunda) Perennial. Zones 4 - 9. Flowering, deciduous vine. A healthy & well established Wisteria vine is a coveted feature of many a garden. Mature Japanese wisteria vines positively drip with long bunches...
Witch Hazel Seeds - Ozark
(Hamamelis vernalis) Perennial. Zones 5 - 8. Native range—Ozark Plateau in N. America. Ozark’s orangey blooms have a lovely spicy fragrance, they emerge before leaves in early Spring. Often found...