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- Incredible Seeds Gift Cards!
From $25.00
The dreams of Winter waiting. The hope of Spring planting.  The wonder of Summer's bounty. The reward of Autumn's harvest. These are the reasons we think seeds are so incredible &...
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Apple Seeds - Himalayan Crabapple
(Malus baccata var himilaica) Deciduous. Zones 4 - 7 Himalayan Crab Apple is an extremely cold hardy tree, native to Asia. Its small stature, rounded shape, and thick, twisted branches...
Apple Seeds - Prairie Crabapple
(Malus ioensis) Perennial. Deciduous. Zones 2 - 6. The gorgeous Prairie Crab Apple will treat you to year-round delights!  The display begins with prolific, pink buds that open to fragrant...
Apple Seeds - Sargent's Crabapple
(Malus sargentii)  Perennial. Zone 4 - 8. Rosaceae (Rose) Family. Native to Japan. One of the smallest ornamental crabapple trees, can grow 8-10 feet tall in 15 years. Trees are...
Buffaloberry Seeds - Russet
(Shepherdia canadensis) Zones 2 - 7. Small deciduous shrub.  One reason WE are excited about growing Soap Berry / Buffaloberry is because of this plant's high saponin content, ie its soap-sudsy...
Dogwood Seeds - Grey Swamp
(Cornus racemosa) Perennial. Zones 4 - 8. Native range—Central to eastern N. America. Shrubs can grow 10-15 feet tall. White flowers bloom in early Summer, becoming white berries on bright...
Dogwood Seeds - Kousa “Milky Way”
(Cornus kousa chinensis var. "Milky Way") Deciduous. Zones 4 - 8. This easy to grow, beauty of a tree shows an abundance of stunning white flower bracts in mid-late spring,...
Elderberry Seeds - Black
(Sambucus canadensis). Deciduous. Zones 4-8.  Elderberry, commonly called Black Elder, is a beautiful and useful plant - a wonderful addition to any garden! If you like to grow medicinal plants,...
Elderberry Seeds - Improved Cultivar Mix
(Sambucus canadensis var. cultivated). Deciduous. Zones 5-8. This is a unique and improved Elderberry cultivar mix! A selected collection from "Nova", "Kent", "Bob Gordon", "Magnolia Hill" and "Wyldewood" varieties! Don't...
Hardy Orange Seeds
(Poncirus trifoliata ) Perennial.  Zones 5 - 10 The striking Hardy Orange tree - also known as Chinese Bitter Orange or Trifoliate Orange - while not a true orange, is closely related...
Medlar Seeds
(Mespilus germanica) Zones 5 - 8. Deciduous fruit tree. This age-old, forgotten fruit is making a big comeback in the permaculture world! Medlar saw its heyday back in Medieval time through The...
Mulberry Seeds - Black
(Morus nigra) Perennial. Zones 5-9. This old world fruit is growing in popularity here in Canada, and for good reason! Sweet, oblong berries hang abundantly from these trees. The trees...
Mulberry Seeds - Russian
White Russian Mulberry (Morus alba tatarica) Zones 4 - 8. This mulberry is a cold hardy Russian variety, first introduced to North America by Russian Mennonites in the late 1800s....
Mulberry Seeds - White
(Morus alba) Perennial. Zone 5 - 8. This wondrous tree is native to Northern China and produces super sweet, pinkish-white berries. Morus Alba is quick growing and can reach 50...
Pawpaw Seeds - Cultivated/Improved
**This item does not qualify for 'Free Lettermail Shipping'.Due to the large size of seeds, they must be sent EXPEDITED. Only orders over $150.00 qualify for 'Free Expedited Shipping'** Thank...
Pear Seeds - Birchleaf Pear
(Pyrus betulifolia) Zones 4 - 8. Small, deciduous tree.  The Birchleaf Pear is a  quick growing, wild pear from northern Asia. Its cold-hardiness and disease resistance has made this tree a choice rootstock...
Pear Seeds - Ussurian
(Pyrus ussuriensis) Deciduous. Zones 3-7. Ussurian Pear is the most cold-hardy of all pears, which makes it a great choice for Northern climates.  This pear variety had been almost forgotten,...
Persimmon Seeds - North American
(Diospyros virginiana) Deciduous. Zones 5 - 7. How does one describe a persimmon... Perhaps you could imagine a perfect orb of apricot jelly, solid enough to bite into, yet jelly...
Raisin Tree Seeds - Japanese Raisin Tree
(Hovenia dulcis) Perennial. Zones 5 - 7.Rhamnaceae (Buckthorn) Family. Native range—Japan and Eastern China.    Can grow 10-30 feet tall. Their ’fruit’ resembles raisins when dried, both visually and sweet...
Saskatoon Berry Seeds
(Amelanchier alnifolia) Zones 3 - 7. Deciduous Shrub. The Saskatoon berry is rich in vitamins and antioxidants, and higher in fibre and protein than most fruits because the seeds are edible. The...
Seabuckthorn Seeds
(Hippophae rhamnoides) Perennial. Zones 3 - 7. Seabuckthorn fruit is said to have 30 times more vitamin C than oranges! These plants are heavy producers to boot! Seabuckthorn is a wonderful...
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Apple Seeds - Antonovka
(Malus pumila 'Antonovka') Can be hardy up to Zone 1! This wonderful apple cultivar can withstand some of the coldest north American winters, and is popular as a root stock for...
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Aronia Berry Seeds
(Aronia melanocarpa) Deciduous shrub. Zones 3-8. This easy to grow, hedgy shrub gives bluish-black berries in late Summer. Tart fruit is high in antioxidants and great for making jams, jellies...
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Dogwood Seeds - Cornelian Cherry
(Cornus mas) Perennial. Zones 4 - 8.  Wow, wow, wow! What a gem. Cornelian Cherry, actually in the dogwood family, is one of the plants we are most excited about....
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Mulberry Seeds - Red
(Morus rubra) Perennial. Zones 4 - 8.  A small native tree, with large heart shaped leaves & delicious berries. This tree is considered endangered in Ontario and is only naturally...
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Pear Seeds - Asian Pear
(Pyrus pyrifolia) Perenial. Zones 6 - 8. Three words: Home. Grown. Candy. Asian Pears are DELICIOUS, but you know, I didn't really care for them until our trees (reluctantly planted) started...
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Pear Seeds - Bartlett
(Pyrus communis Bartlett) Zones 5 - 7. Heirloom Pear variety, 1700s.  The Bartlett Pear, sometimes known as the William's Pear, is probably the most popular pear here in North America,...