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- Incredible Seeds Gift Cards!
From $25.00
The dreams of Winter waiting. The hope of Spring planting.  The wonder of Summer's bounty. The reward of Autumn's harvest. These are the reasons we think seeds are so incredible &...
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Apple Seeds - Himalayan Crabapple
(Malus baccata var himilaica) Deciduous. Zones 4 - 7 Himalayan Crab Apple is an extremely cold hardy tree, native to Asia. Its small stature, rounded shape, and thick, twisted branches...
Apple Seeds - Prairie Crabapple
(Malus ioensis) Perennial. Deciduous. Zones 2 - 6. The gorgeous Prairie Crab Apple will treat you to year-round delights!  The display begins with prolific, pink buds that open to fragrant...
Apple Seeds - Sargent's Crabapple
(Malus sargentii)  Perennial. Zone 4 - 8. Rosaceae (Rose) Family. Native to Japan. One of the smallest ornamental crabapple trees, can grow 8-10 feet tall in 15 years. Trees are...
Bitter Melon Seeds - Futo Spindle
(Momordica charantia) 60-70 days to maturity. Heirloom - Japan. Futo Spindle Bitter Melon Gourds are loaded with vitamins and minerals and are sought after for their health benefits. Growing up...
Bitter Melon Seeds - Green Skin
(Momordica charantia) Annual. 70 days to maturity. Bitter Melon is a tropical vine with origins in Africa and Asia. This is an excellent, open pollinated, Asian Bitter Melon that produces fruit up to...
Bitter Melon Seeds - Japanese Long
(Momordica charantia) 60-70 days to maturityJapanese Long Bitter Melon Gourd is best harvested when still green, young and tender. These plants can get very long, up to 12 feet, so...
Blue Sausage Fruit Seeds
(Decaisnea fargesii) Perennial. Zone 6 - 10. Lardizabalaceae Family. Native range - Eastern Asia to Western China. Blue Sausage Fruit is a very unique flowering shrub, growing 13-15 feet tall....
Blueberry Seeds - High-Bush Blueberry
(Vaccinium corymbosum) Perennial. Zones 4 - 7 Highbush Blueberry is a wonderful hardy perennial for edible landscaping. With high yields of plump, delicious berries and flaming Autumn colour, this native...
Blueberry Seeds - Low-Bush Wild Blueberry
(Vaccinium angustifolium) Perennial. Zones 2-6. Picture it: You're walking through the forest. You come to a bit of a clearing and take a moment to breathe in the beauty of your...
Coffee Seeds - Arabica
(Coffea arabica) Zones 9 - 11. Rubiaceae (Madder) Family. Native range—Ethiopia. Have fun growing your own coffee plant! Plants thrive in hot and humid environments. If growing as a house...
Cranberry Seeds - American High Bush
(Viburnum trilobum) Perennial. Zones 2 - 7. High bush cranberry is a plant I remember from childhood. We had a big bush growing next to my mother's little cedar shingled...
Cranberry Seeds - Wentworth High Bush
(Viburnum triloba var. Wentworth) Perennial. Hardy to zone 3. Ericaceae (Heather) Family. Native range—NL to BC. Prefers consistently moist, well-draining soil. Plants can grow 8-10 feet tall, spreading 4-6 feet....
Cucamelon Seeds - Mexican Sour Gerkhin
(Melothria scabra) 67 days to maturity.Mexican Sour Gerkhin Cucamelons are simply the cutest vegetable you will grow this year! They are great for garden snacking, but be sure to save some...
Dogwood Seeds - Grey Swamp
(Cornus racemosa) Perennial. Zones 4 - 8. Native range—Central to eastern N. America. Shrubs can grow 10-15 feet tall. White flowers bloom in early Summer, becoming white berries on bright...
Dogwood Seeds - Kousa “Milky Way”
(Cornus kousa chinensis var. "Milky Way") Deciduous. Zones 4 - 8. This easy to grow, beauty of a tree shows an abundance of stunning white flower bracts in mid-late spring,...
Elderberry Seeds - Black
(Sambucus canadensis) Deciduous. Zones 4-8.  Elderberry, commonly called Black Elder, is a beautiful and useful plant - a wonderful addition to any garden! If you like to grow medicinal plants,...
Grape Seeds - European Wine
(Vitis vinifera) Perennial. Zones 5 - 9. Vitaceae (Grape) Family. Native range—Eastern Europe. For best fruit yields, plant in full sun. Its vining braches can reach 30 feet long. Its...
Ground Cherry Seeds - Aunt Molly's
(Physalis) 65 days. Annual, but self-seeds readily. Polish heirloom. "Aunt Molly" did well when she gathered seeds for this beauty! Aunt Molly's ground cherry is sweet, tangy and SOOO prolific!...
Ground Cherry Seeds - Goldie
75 days. Annual, but self-seeds readily. Ground cherries, often called "husk cherries", are similar to tomatillos in appearance, but differ completely in flavour! Goldie Ground Cherries taste almost tropical and...
Hardy Orange Seeds
(Poncirus trifoliata) Perennial.  Zones 5 - 10 The striking Hardy Orange tree - also known as Chinese Bitter Orange or Trifoliate Orange - while not a true orange, is closely related...
Melon Seeds - Blacktail Mountain Watermelon
(Citrullus lanatus) 70 days.This quickly maturing watermelon will just totally wow you! Blacktail Mountain is a super sweet, super flavourful melon. Hailing from Northern Idaho, it does wonderfully in a...
Melon Seeds - Delice de la Table
(Cucumis melo) 88 days. Heirloom Melon, France. Delice de la Table is a beautifully unique, cantaloupe-like melon. The orange flesh is very sweet and juicy and the rind is smooth...
Melon Seeds - Emerald Gem
80 days. Cucumis melo. A green skinned cantaloupe with orange flesh. Originally introduced by Burpees in 1886, Emerald Gem melons are juicy, sweet and a little spicy. 
Melon Seeds - French Charentais
75 days - Heirloom Melon Seeds. The French Charentais Heirloom Melon is one of our absolute favourites. Extremely sweet, flavourful, juicy and aromatic. This French variety is a must try. Each seed...
Melon Seeds - Green Nutmeg
80 days. From the 1800’s Green Nutmeg melons are reminiscent of both a cantaloupe and a honey dew. The skins are netted on the outside with green flesh that is...
Melon Seeds - Klondike Blue Ribbon Watermelon
(Citrullus lanatus) 85 days to maturity. 1900's Heirloom. Klondike Blue Ribbon Watermelons are sure to dazzle at any late summer picnics, weighing up to 30 lbs! For such a large fruit,...
Melon Seeds - Minnesota Midget
70 days. A super fruity melon from the 1940s! This orange fleshed melon averages 4-5" fruit, grown on highly productive 4' vines. This makes Minnesota Midget an ideal melon for...
Melon Seeds - Montreal Market
(Cucumis melo) 90 days to maturity.Montreal Market Melons are steeped in rich history. In the early 1900’s, they were grown extensively on the Island of Montreal and highly sought after...
Melon Seeds - Moon and Stars Watermelon
(Citrullus lanatus) 95 - 100 days to maturity. Heirloom Melon Seeds - 1920s. Moon and Stars Watermelon bring the beauty of a clear night sky to your vegetable garden. Its...
Melon Seeds - Noir des Carmes
80 days Noir des Carmes is a fine melon from France dating back from the 1700’s. Its dark ribbed exterior contrasts with its fine orange flesh when opened. The fruit...
Melon Seeds - Sugar Baby Watermelon
79 days. Heirloom Watermelon Seeds. Sugar Baby Watermelons grow small melons of five to ten pounds, with a blackish-green rind. Crisp juicy red flesh, grows well in the north. Each seed packet...
Melon Seeds - Sweet Granite
70 days. Sweet Granite Cantaloupes were specially developed for northern climates and it is one of the earliest maturing eastern type melons. The melons are sweet with orange flesh and each oblong...
Mulberry Seeds - Black
(Morus nigra) Perennial. Zones 5-9. This old world fruit is growing in popularity here in Canada, and for good reason! Sweet, oblong berries hang abundantly from these trees. The trees...
Mulberry Seeds - Russian
White Russian Mulberry (Morus alba tatarica) Zones 4 - 8. This mulberry is a cold hardy Russian variety, first introduced to North America by Russian Mennonites in the late 1800s....
Mulberry Seeds - White
(Morus alba) Perennial. Zone 5 - 8. This wondrous tree is native to Northern China and produces super sweet, pinkish-white berries. Morus Alba is quick growing and can reach 50...
Pawpaw Seeds - Cultivated/Improved
**This item does not qualify for 'Free Lettermail Shipping'.Due to the large size of seeds, they must be sent EXPEDITED. Only orders over $150.00 qualify for 'Free Expedited Shipping'** Thank...
Pear Seeds - Birchleaf Pear
(Pyrus betulifolia) Zones 4 - 8. Small, deciduous tree.  The Birchleaf Pear is a  quick growing, wild pear from northern Asia. Its cold-hardiness and disease resistance has made this tree a choice rootstock...
Pear Seeds - Ussurian
(Pyrus ussuriensis) Deciduous. Zones 3-7. Ussurian Pear is the most cold-hardy of all pears, which makes it a great choice for Northern climates.  This pear variety had been almost forgotten,...
Persimmon Seeds - North American
(Diospyros virginiana) Deciduous. Zones 5 - 7. How does one describe a persimmon... Perhaps you could imagine a perfect orb of apricot jelly, solid enough to bite into, yet jelly...
Raisin Tree Seeds - Japanese Raisin Tree
(Hovenia dulcis) Perennial. Zones 5 - 7.Rhamnaceae (Buckthorn) Family. Native range—Japan and Eastern China.    Can grow 10-30 feet tall. Their ’fruit’ resembles raisins when dried, both visually and sweet...
Raspberry Seeds - Black
(Rubus occidentalis) Deciduous. Zones 4 - 9. *Black raspberries should be kept 100 feet away from red raspberries.* Black Raspberry, also know as Black Caps, belong to the Rose family. Black Raspberry...
Rhubarb Seeds - Victoria
(Rheum rhabarbarum) Perennial. Zones 4-8. Victoria is a gentle, mild rhubarb that is just superb for cooking. Stalks are pink, tender and I'll say sweet, on the rhubarb sweetness scale....
Saskatoon Berry Seeds
(Amelanchier alnifolia) Zones 3 - 7. Deciduous Shrub. The Saskatoon berry is rich in vitamins and antioxidants, and higher in fibre and protein than most fruits because the seeds are edible. The...
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Seabuckthorn Seeds
(Hippophae rhamnoides) Perennial. Zones 3 - 7. Seabuckthorn fruit is said to have 30 times more vitamin C than oranges! These plants are heavy producers to boot! Seabuckthorn is a wonderful...
Spice Bush Seeds
(Lindera benzoin) Perennial. Zone 4 - 8. Anyone who loves a well stocked spice cupboard will want this incredible plant in their garden. Every part of the Spicebush is intensely aromatic! ...
Spinach Seeds - Strawberry
(Chenopodium capitatum) Self-seeding Annual, to zone 5.  This is a fun one: Dinner and dessert all in one place! The leaves of Stawberry Spinach are triangular, toothy and are best enjoyed...
Strawberry Seeds - Alexandria (Alpine)
(Fragaria vesca) Zones 5 - 8. Perennial. 115 days. This ultra productive, ever-bearing alpine strawberry is a true winner in the garden! Delightful, scarlet strawberries are oblong and bite-sized. Don't...
65 results