Tomato Seeds - Early Siberian/ Sibiriskiy Skorospely
Determinate. 70 days. “This tomato makes me want to eat a burger!” Such a fleshy & succulent slicer, the Early Siberian Heirloom Tomato is definitely a must have! These red, cue-ball sized...
Tomato Seeds - Oregon Spring
Determinate. 70-75 days. Oregon Spring is a nice compact tomato that will provide heaps of medium sized, juicy red tomatoes. Sweet and full flavoured. This is a great one to...
Tomato Seeds, Paste - Roma VF
Determinate. 65 days. Roma Tomatoes are dependable, productive and easy to grow. The plants are disease resistant and the fruit are good for canning, cooking and drying. Each seed packet contains approximately...
Tomato Seeds - Scotia
Determinate. 60 days. Heirloom Tomato, 1956 Kentville, Nova Scotia. This ol' faithful is a favourite in our neck of the woods! This early ripening slicer is lovely as a fresh,...
Tomato Seeds - Silvery Fir Tree
Determinate. 58 days. Heirloom Tomato. This is a lovely salad tomato! Two inch fruits ripen evenly and in abundance! The leaves of Silvery Fir Tree are its most notable characteristic....
Tomato Seeds, Micro Dwarf - Bonsai
Determinate. 75 days. These fabulous little Bonsai tomato plants are a highlight in any garden. Short in stature (barely making 12 inches), they become covered in so many one inch...
Tomato Seeds, Paste - Principe Borghese
Determinate. 72 days. Heirloom Tomato Seeds - Tuscany, Italy. This is the ultimate sundried tomato! This unique plum tomato is extra meaty, but is only 1-2 inches. Their size and fleshiness make...
Tomato Seeds - Sasha Altaï
Determinate. 57 days. Called "the best tomato in all of Siberia" and voted one of the best early tomatoes in the world, Sasha's Altaï Heirloom Tomato would seem to be quite the variety...
Tomato Seeds - Alaska
Semi-Determinate. 59 days. Heirloom Tomato Seeds. One of the earliest maturing varieties, Alaska Heirloom Tomatoes are perfect for salads and sandwiches. Great tomato taste. Plants are short, less than two feet tall and very...
Tomato Seeds, Cherry - Gold Nugget
Determinate. 55 days. A very early variety! This sweet & tangy little yellow tomato is such a treat in early Summer! (Mid—late June in Nova Scotia) Gold Nugget Cherry Tomatoes grow on...
Tomato Seeds - Glacier
Determinate. 55 days. As its names suggests, this early tomato is great for northern climates! Glacier doesn't waste time with greenery; plants average out at 2 1/2 to 3 feet...