Siberian Pea Shrub Seeds
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(Caragana aborescens) Perennial. Zones 2 - 7.
The quintessential permaculture nitrogen fixer! This member of the pea family supports the plants around it by fixing nitrogen through its roots and adding high nutrient organic matter as mulch with the fall of its leaves.
A member of many permaculture guilds. Shrubs can reach 10-15 feet tall.
Cold Hardiness: Zones 2 - 7
Edible: No
Size: Medium Shrub
Growth Rate: Medium - fast
Nitrogen Fixer: Yes
Native Plant: No
Germination: 80 - 90%
Sun Requirements: Full Sun - Partial Shade
Soil Preference: Average, well draining, but moist soil.
SEED PRETREATMENT: Soak seeds in water for 12 hours. Mix seeds with a moistened grow medium equal to 3-4 times seed volume. Place in a plastic bag, covered tray/cells or container.
STRATIFICATION: 30 days cold/moist (5°C). Place plastic bag with seeds and soil in your refrigerator, preferably in a veggie crisper. Inspect periodically for even moisture.
POST-STRATIFICATION: Sow stratified seeds 1/4” deep, ideally in a peat/perlite mix. Alternating soil temperatures during the day (30°C) and night (20°C) can aid germination. Water evenly and regularly.
GERMINATION: When all previously mentioned requirements are fulfilled, germination generally occurs in 20-30 days.
How To Stratify Your Tree Seeds
*Excited about growing Fruit Trees from seed? Learn more HERE.*
Available direct from Incredible Seeds, a Canadian Heirloom and Heritage Seed Company, offering only the best natural, non-GMO, open pollinated and untreated seeds, located in Mi'kma'ki / Nova Scotia.