Sage Seeds - Meadow
(Salvia nemorosa) Perennial. Hardy to zone 5
Meadow Sage, also known as Woodland Sage or Balkan Clary, is a herbaceous perennial that belongs in every garden. Its grey-green leaves are a perfect complement to its violet-blue blooms on tall spikes. Plants can reach 24 inches tall, growing in a full and bushy manner. Once plants are established, they’ll require little care and can be quite drought tolerant. Meadow Sage will bloom in early Summer, and if you cut back the first flush, you’ll get a second growth blooming in late Summer to early Fall. Pollinators love these little violet blooms too!
PRE-TREATMENT: Soak in water for 24 hours before sowing.
TIMING: Start seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before last Spring frost date, harden off seedlings before transplanting outdoors.
GERMINATION: 14-21 days. Keep soil moist until germination. Prefers cooler conditions once seeds sprout.
SEEDING: Sow seeds on the soil surface, tamp down gently. Space plants 12” apart. Space rows 18” apart.
GROWING: Full sun. Well-draining soil is very important, roots will rot if soil is too wet. Plants will likely flower in their second year. Cut back spent blooms to promote further growth.
HARVESTING: Use both leaves and flowers, fresh or dried.
Available direct from Incredible Seeds, a Canadian Heirloom and Heritage Seed Company, offering only the best natural, non-GMO, open pollinated and untreated seeds, located in Mi'kma'ki / Nova Scotia, Canada.
Meadow Sage seeds are an open pollinated sage variety.