Poppy Seeds - Mother of Pearl
(Papaver rhoeas) Self-Seeding Annual. 80 days to maturity.
This justly named poppy has got to be our favourite poppy. Mother of Pearl's delicate petals vary from red all the way through pastel oranges, pinks and lavenders to white. And so easy to grow. Take a handful of seeds, dance around, sowing them as your twirl. Do a few more pirouettes et voilà, instant beauty!
Growth Habit: Upright growth to 2 feet height, branching stems with feathery leaves and 3-4” flowers. Self seeding.
Sun Requirements: Full sun
Soil Preference: Average, moist, well-drained soil
When to Plant: Direct seed in Spring when soil can be worked
How to Plant: Direct sow seeds 1/4" deep. Keep the seedbed moist. Seeds should germinate in 21-28 days. Thin to 6” apart when true leaves appear.
When to Harvest: Harvest fresh flowers in early Summer and seed heads in late Summer.
How to Harvest: For fresh arrangements, harvest when buds are swollen and showing colour. Sear end of stems with a flame. Cut flowers last 2-4 days. Gather the dried seed heads in late summer for decorative dried flower arrangements. Harvest the seeds for culinary uses.
Uses: Poppy is a beautiful, though short-lived, cut flower. Seed heads are also beautiful in dried arrangements. Poppy seeds are edible, high in calcium and have many culinary uses.