Lettuce Seeds - Bronze Mignonette
(Lactuca sativa) 55 days to maturity.
Bronze Mignonette Lettuce is a lovely, compact butterhead variety. Its leaves are light green with beautiful bronze tips that are gently frilly. The oldest record of this named variety was in Iowa’s Annual Seed Catalogue of 1896. Bronze Mignonette Lettuce can tolerate heat well and is slow to bolt. Its flavour also remains quite mild, not bitter, in the Summer heat. As with other varieties, lettuce often prefers partial shade during the hot Summer months.
TIMING: Direct sow outdoors in mid-Spring OR start seeds indoors 4 weeks before transplanting. Succession plant for a continuous harvest, prefers the cool weather of Spring and Fall.
GERMINATION: 7-14 days. Prefers temperatures between 13-18°C, especially at night. Germination will be hindered if soil temperatures are above 22°C.
SEEDING: Sow seeds 1/8” deep. Space plants 8-10” apart. Space rows 12-18” apart.
GROWING: Lettuce prefers cooler weather. Plants will bolt and leaves will be bitter in hot and dry conditions. Water consistently to prevent bitter leaves. Compost rich, well-draining soil is best.
COMPANIONS: Calendula attracts slugs, plant far from lettuce to lure slugs away—a common pest for lettuce.
Available direct from Incredible Seeds, a Canadian Heirloom and Heritage Seed Company, offering only the best natural, non-GMO, open pollinated and untreated seeds, located in Mi'kma'ki / Nova Scotia, Canada.
Bronze Mignonette seeds mature in 55 days and are an open pollinated lettuce variety.