Daisy Seeds - Fancy Pants Mix
(Chrysanthemum carinatum) Annual. 100-110 days to maturity.
Fancy Pants Daisies, also known as Tricolour or Painted Daisies, are a bright and joyful variety. These beauties are a Mediterranean native, typically growing 2-3 feet tall. Their blooms are multicoloured: white, yellow, burnt orange, pink, red, and lavender, with a striping pattern that makes them look tie-dyed–groovy! Fancy Pants Daisies benefit from being deadheaded, to promote further blooming. We hope these delightful daisies bring a splash of cheer to your garden this summer!
TIMING: Start seeds indoors 8-10 weeks before final Spring frost date OR direct sow outdoors after final frost. Harden off seedlings before transplanting outdoors, after the final frost.
GERMINATION: 14-21 days. Prefers temperatures between 18-21°C for germination –keep soil moist. Requires strong light until seedlings are ready to transplant.
SEEDING: Sow seeds ¼” deep. Space plants 18-24” apart. Space rows 24-30” apart.
GROWING: Full sun to partial shade. Nutrient rich, well-draining soil is best. Keep well watered, doesn’t like dry conditions. Deadhead regularly to promote further flowering.
HARVESTING: For fresh flowers: cut stems when blooms are half open. For dried: cut stems when blooms are fully open, remove centers and dry fully.
Available direct from Incredible Seeds, a Canadian Heirloom and Heritage Seed Company, offering only the best natural, non-GMO, open pollinated and untreated seeds, located in Mi'kma'ki / Nova Scotia, Canada.
Fancy Pants seeds mature in 100-110 days and are an open pollinated daisy variety.