Pear Seeds - Birchleaf Pear
(Pyrus betulifolia) Zones 4 - 8. Small, deciduous tree.
The Birchleaf Pear is a quick growing, wild pear from northern Asia. Its cold-hardiness and disease resistance has made this tree a choice rootstock among orchardists.
The fruit is small, only about the size of a cherry, but it will provide an autumn food source for wildlife in your area. They can also be gathered and made into jellies or bottled whole for a Mid-Winter treat.
Apple-like blossoms come on in late Spring and are just buzz with pollinators!
Cold Hardiness: Zones 4 - 8
Edible: Yes
Size: Medium Tree
Growth Rate: Medium - Slow
Nitrogen Fixer: No
Native Plant: No
Germination: Naturally low 50 - 70%
Sun Requirements: Full Sun
Soil Preference: Prefers, moist well draining loam.
SEED PRETREATMENT: Mix seeds with a moistened grow medium equal to 3-4 times seed volume. Place in a plastic bag, covered tray/cells or container.
STRATIFICATION: 90 days cold/moist (5°C). Place plastic bag with seeds and soil in your refrigerator, preferably in a veggie crisper. Inspect periodically for even moisture.
POST-STRATIFICATION: Sow stratified seeds on the soil surface, press into the soil. Water evenly and regularly. Prefers temperatures around 20°C for germination.
GERMINATION: When all previously mentioned requirements are fulfilled, germination generally occurs in 30 days.
How To Stratify Your Tree Seeds