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Celosia Seeds - Flamingo Feather
(Celosia argentea spicata) Annual.  90-95 days to maturity. Standing at 2-3 feet tall, you’ll love watching Flamingo Feather Celosia’s tall, slender stems dance gently in the wind. Soft pink feathery blooms...
Dianthus Seeds - Marie Chabaud
(Dianthus caryophyllus) Annual. 130-140 days to maturityMarie Chabaud Dianthus is a French Heirloom, with buttery yellow timeless blooms. Its fragrance will carry through your garden or kitchen on a warm summer’s...
Orach Seeds - Ruby Gold
(Atriplex hortensis) Annual. 100 days. Add beautiful texture to fresh and dried flower arrangements with this golden member of the orach family! Can grow to 6 feet in height. (Don't...